Wednesday, January 25, 2012

For men, removing pubic hair or having pubic hair, which is better?

just leave them alone. Guys look good with pubes. If it's uncomfortable for you, just trim it a little. But just a teeny tiny bit.For men, removing pubic hair or having pubic hair, which is better?
Despite the disgusting bigots -- both straight and gay guys I've known have both shaved and waxed.

Most males under 30 or so at least trim, and many, many do whatever it takes to keep a neat pubic area with only a treasure trail going to the belly button. Quite a few wax or shave it completely because they believe it looks better and it certainly looks bigger.

While I am gay, more of my straight friends than my gay ones take very careful care of that area, and do hair reduction in it.

Kind thoughts,

HermesFor men, removing pubic hair or having pubic hair, which is better?
It's really more of personal choice.

Some people just think that since its there, I should just leave it there.

Some will feel itchy and uncomfortable and so want to get rid of it.

Ask yourself, are you affected by it? There is no 'better' whether you shave or not. You can even just trim it if you just think its growing too long and wild.
I'm not sure. I have shaved my pubes totally off, and I don't like the itchiness as they grow back. I understand that waxing will remove more of the hairs and it's smoother and takes more time to grow back...but the pain of waxing....i don't know.

If you plan to remove your pubes (and keep them off), I would suggest that you have a wax job, and see if you really want to do this. Shaving is a constant (daily) thing.
have it but trim it short, like half an inch to an inch. or about the same length as your leg hair if you're quite hairy.

i personally think shaved looks horrible on men, but having a massive, long, thick bush of hair is a bit of a turn off.
The above comments, minus the last one are totally rediculous. Whether you have shaved genitals or not has nothing to do with sexuality. - Some people like it, some don't.

Go with what you feel most comfortable with.
Why a person who has reached maturity would want to regress to the look of a prepubescent child is beyond my comprehension.

Embrace your ';hairytage.';
I have trimmed it only once in my life

One of the most annoying aftermaths ever!!
I'm agreeing with both of them. And i don't think your a man, otherwise you wouldn't ask this question.
having it lol... queers shave or wax
true men let it grow

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