Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Christians: did you know its a shame for men to have long hair?

1COR 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him


http://www.photoethnography.com/blog/ima…Christians: did you know its a shame for men to have long hair?
What does God look at here?

1 Samuel 16:7 (New International Version)

7 But the LORD said to Samuel, ';Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.';Christians: did you know its a shame for men to have long hair?
Hope you might be an atheist, but any how as a person knows something about Jesus and His ministry, it is my responsibility to inform about the hair.

I Corinthian written after the era of Jesus Christ. During the tenure of Jesus, it is the culture of Jews to grow long hair and He is wandering here and there, hills and towns, etc. He cares more about the human soul. But in order to have some cultural discipline among Corinthians, Paul informed the moral to be followed for males. That is not in any way affects the Christianity or its preaching. If male and femal are growing their means, simply we should be able to identify it by views is not easy. Due to this some immoral activities are happened in those days. Hence, Paul insisted the believers of Christ from Corinthians. Due to Culture, some appearance may be changed, but the original doctrines like (the fruit of the Spirit) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,{or, faithfulness}';

Author: Galatians 5 Verses #: 22

';Not only so, but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body.'; ...

We can get answers for any query, but you have to read the Bible in the correct sense.
Again, proof that Jesus didn't have long hair. Everyone things jesus had long hair and a big old beard. Ha!

Yes that is why I have short hair. I think it looks way better than long hair. Long hair on a guy i think is just silly, it makes them look like a wannabe to me. Many people in my school have long hair, and I think its silly!

It is also confusing sometimes. It makes it hard to tell if someone is a boy or girl if they are like in between and you don't know. lol
I'm pretty sure this means that men's hair shouldn't be longer than women's, so we can see the difference. In Biblical times, women NEVER cut their hair. I imagine it was way longer than even Jesus' hair. And thanks for posting that picture. It's my favorite one of Jesus.
That's funny, because in the Hebrew Bible there is a story about Samson, a man who served God with really long hair. God gave him superior strength due to his long hair, then when it was cut, he lost his strength.
Yes, it is a shame. Which is exactly why Jesus had long hair. He was a rebel.
Uh? Didn't Jesus have long hair? No. I didn't bit confused.
Jesus didn't write the bible, but if god said it, then it must be true!!111
hahaha, why don't they remake the bible including only logical parts that make sense?
what about Jesus

I laugh at anyone who thinks Jesus actually looked like that.
I think its kinda cute.
1Cor 11:16 It is good to read the ';whole'; chapter.
Wow,that Jesus was even more of a rebel than I thought!
And what about Jesus' hair?
what about bow ties?

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