Sunday, February 12, 2012

Do bald men and women really fall for the hair growth stuff they see on tv?

Or does it really work like they say?

Singles and dating? WTF?Do bald men and women really fall for the hair growth stuff they see on tv?
A couple of my friends are bald and I don't think they try that sh*t.

Oh yes and a Nosferatu is SUPPOSED to be bald though :D Really I have plenty of hair, give it a few years and I may be the one trying it myself!Do bald men and women really fall for the hair growth stuff they see on tv?
i don't think they do. Besides all those commercials like Rogaine and stuff don't say they promise that your hair grows back. They only promise that 3 out of 5 men that use this product will help them slow down the balding process but you don't know by how much. Plus after you'be used Rogaine for about a few months you'll only find out then whether or not it works for you that's after you spent money for a product that possibly won't work for you.

You need to accept balding. Look at celebrities, now-a-days, a lot of them are balding and they still look good. I see a lot of people VOLUNTARILY shaving their heads even though they not balding. I guess it's what the kids are doing these days. I go to bally total fitness and there is this one guy who looks like David Beckham really buff guy he completely shaves his head. I remember he had hair. He had a great hair. But he just shaves it off and it looks better on him without hair than with.
sure they do, some of it probably helps a bit but most of it is porbably crap, they dont have the old saying there is a sucker born every minute for nothing
My Dad is bald (comb over lol) and every day he sees those commercials he changes the Chanel and says ... Well you get the idea.

-I think its all nonsense, money making schemes. If there is one that works someone will post it.
because they are sooo well advertised that it looks lik its gunna work but it never does its just a way to make money and yea i kno lol i asked bowt xmas prezzies and it sed go to computer software lol :)
People spend billions every year on those gels, creams and potions just to find they do not work.And that is a lot of goop LOL
did you know it kind of works...

depends on variants...

but the catch is if you stop using them the hair just begins to fall

is like vitamins when you stop taking them you get an immune downfall

When I started taking the stuff, I had a clown ring of hair.

What happened after I started the program is that it made me COMPLETELY bald. Cue ball bald.
I just stapled a section of shag rug to my scalp. No one can tell the difference until it is time to vacuum.
Works for me :)
What do you mean Fall for ?.

The exclusive Singaporean fermented bat dung at only $99.99 a bottle

really works !!.

I swear by it! and so does anybody else coming within 10 yards of me

because of the unbearable smell.
IDK but here's a catchy selling phrase for the company. ';Buy now - grow hair later.';
I buy it even though I'm not balding just to see what happens. I have a very short attention span and am easily amused.
lol, the dumb ones do! Some of it may work a little bit, though. :)
I believe it's just as good as those weight loss pills
couldnt tell ya
I know that I would never fall for a pile of crap that they are selling to grow hair.
hahah i bet they do. lol
it works i swear
as a bald guy I know all that stuff on TV is crap. but I wish to god they'd come up with something. hurry up, science!
i dont knoww

ask a bald person..

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