Saturday, February 4, 2012

Does the Hair Club for Men/Women work well for Black hair?

I tend to not believe commercials or info-mercials. Are there any Black women out there that went to the Hair Club for Women (HCW) or Bosley and found that it worked for you? For anyone who knows, what is the technique they use anyway?Does the Hair Club for Men/Women work well for Black hair?
......................Does the Hair Club for Men/Women work well for Black hair?
yeah, my grandma had got it done and went there. it does actually work for her. my grandma is jamacian so she has very frizzy hair. it doesnt matter really what kind of hair you have. either if its white people hair,ethnic hair, biracial hair, it can work for any type but some people it may have no effect to a great nmber of it !

- good luck :]
The short answer is:Yes, it is the same process for all hair types. There is a video on the web site that is not for the weak at heart. In essence they cut a piece of your scalp from the back of your head and graph that patch of skin where you want regrowth or thickening.

Below is a link to the photo and video gallery. Good luck.

I have never used it but I do know of a black woman that has and is four months away from doing her final photo shoot. She told me it took four months to see the definite results and you may need several more treatments depending on your eating habits, the condition of your scalp, medications you may be taking, and other medical factors.

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