Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is it gay for a man with excessive leg hair to shave them? looking for answers from both sexes?

Do you know what gay is? Being physically and psychologically attracted to just the same sex.

If you want to shave your legs, shave your legs.Is it gay for a man with excessive leg hair to shave them? looking for answers from both sexes?
do you plan on showing off your sexy silky legs to construction workers? if so then I think it's kinda gay. but if you're doing it for fun and comfort then no it's not gay. shave away! try trimming it close with electric clippers first if you have them.. otherwise it'll take forever..Is it gay for a man with excessive leg hair to shave them? looking for answers from both sexes?
No it's not gay.
If you do it once youll have to keep doing it, is it really worth the hassle? i'd never shave my legs. one of the perks of being a man is not having to shave your legs so take advantage!
Do what ever you want, its your body and do not be led by stereotype views, fashion or what ever people say.......

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