Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why do churches display pics of Jesus with long hair when having long hair for men is a sin.?

The long-hair pictures are probably based on Rennaisance paintings. Not all churches have them, though, because some DO believe (incorrectly) that long hair in men is sinful.

The Nazarites were a particular religious order in OT times. To take Nazarite vows involved swearing off three things: grapes/raisins/grape juice/wine, contact with dead bodies, and cutting one's hair. The vows could be for a few months, to a few years, to a lifetime. The most famous Nazarite was Sampson (as in Sampson and Delilah and the haircut). Painters may not know the difference between a NazarENE (inhabitant of Nazaras) and a NazarITE (someone who has taken the vows).Why do churches display pics of Jesus with long hair when having long hair for men is a sin.?
Becuase christians are hypocrites. alcohol is a sin yet Jesus drank wine, Jesus never wanted a religion or a relationship yet people worship him and want to follow him like a lost puppy.

age does not equal wisdom

Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her

1 Corinthians 11: 14-15, KJVWhy do churches display pics of Jesus with long hair when having long hair for men is a sin.?
cause he looks pretty that know how those catholic priests are
Long hair is a sin? Whoo hoo, my bf is a sinner!
What? Who told you that, honey? Having long hair is NOT a sin for men. A fashion-don't for some, maybe, but not a sin.
It is soo painfully obvious all these good people who fancy themselves as Christians showing they don't read their Bibles.

Ok, now thats out of the way.....Paul did say that long hair is to be a woman's pride and cover and that it is a disgrace for a man, but I think this may also be an allusion to homosexual matters, much like the women not wearing that which pertains to a man and men not wearing women's clothing. These things are representative of men being men and women being women and not try to switch around.

Also...does anyone really know what Jesus looked like? Do we know what any man looked like in those days? It was forbidden by Jewish law to make ANY images. The pictures we have are pure speculation and imagination.

The rest of you here...go study your Bibles!

P.S. Oh my, the wine thing too. No where does it say wine is sinful. Jesus' 1st miracle was making wine from water. Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for his bad stomach.

What the Bible does say is to not chase Strong Drink nor drink to excess. A little wine is fine...being a drunk is not.
it is a carry over from the Renaissance period when the so called great master artists portrayed Jesus this way.

They also presented him as a pale, thin sickly man.

Which was also incorrect. As he was constantly walking from town to town he was more likely a strong well kempt, man with a tan!

I missed the long hair being a sin part. I'm not a good enough biblical scholar but I kinda doubt that there's anything in the bible about long hair being a sin.
Jesus was a Nazerene ,
I don't believe that it says anywhere in the bible ';thou shalt not have long hair';
thats not a picture of Jesus, thats a picture of a man.
God questions are answered her:
It's not a sin to have long hair. You're right in saying that Jesus didn't have long hair though. He was a member of the Nazarene sect. The Nazarite sect wore their hair long (I might be totally wrong about the names %26amp; have them mixed up or misquoted- it's been several years since I did the research). Jesus is portrayed as having long hair to reflect the images of the people who portrayed him as such. Well, that and because He would have totally fit in with hippies. :P
I don't think men having long hair is a sin, just in poor taste. In todays culture, men with long hair are looked down upon by businesses. In Jesus time, it was the norm for men to have longer hair, I think.
what church do you felloship with...if hair is a sin, why do we have it?? for yourself instead of listening to other's conclusions...long hair is not mentioned as a sin..that is a the caveman a little research..
It's just a picture... besides... long hair for men isn't a sin...
I've heard that the image of the long haired Jesus became popular during the Renaissance, when long hair was ';in'; for men.
Where does it say in the Holy Bible that long hair is a sin. I don't remember seeing that wrote. Not in the Holy Bible, that I believe in, the one and only it should be.
its not a sin!!! where did you get that idea??
Yeah, and even ones where he's black, and that's just plain dumb. Everyone knows Jesus didn't come from Africa.
Yes, Jesus had long hair, and it was blond. And blue eyes. That how most people who live in the Mid-East look.
First, i would like to clarify that to have a long hair is not a sin. Now, remember that Jesus is an Israelites. Since he is an Israelite, He practices the culture in Israel. Remember that almost all of the Israelites grow thier hair longer due to the fact that it is their culture. I think, that is the reason why the Church displays the picture of Jesus with a long hair. Jesus, as an Israelite, must have a long hair while He is alive. The Church only tries her best to depict the real image of Jesus by considering the culture of the Israelites.
I've never heard of long hair on men being a sin in biblical times. what is your source?
having long hair a sin? I think this comes from a particular denomination of believe, I have never read where having long hair was a sin.

As far as pictures go, since no one I know has ever actually seen Jesus or God, then these pictures are a mere perception of what people think Jesus may have looked like.

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